August 12, 2012

an old German saying, going back from ancient pagan times, that says:
"Every man must build a house, have a son, and plant a tree."

July 23, 2011

Manhood roles expect men not to have any issues that may need liberation

"So here is the question: are men less masculine, or more liberated? Are they being feminized, or humanized?­"

It's a good question, but unfortunat­ely I don't think the answer is very simple. Men are not becoming more liberated because by and large, no one has thought men have anything that they need to be liberated from. In fact, I think the traditiona­l male role was distinctly defined as not needing help or liberation at all -- it was a failure for a man to need assistance­, for the most part.
-- Minnesota Black (a poster on an internet forum called Huffpost Culture)

July 04, 2011

Evidence that Christianity removed the gender difference between 'man' and 'third genders' and clubbed them together paving for the invalid concept of 'sexual orientation.'

"... you can see there is a two tiered system of justice. Penetrator homosexuality is fully acceptable, whereas submissive homosexuals suffered persecution for their weakness. Knowing this, how can you describe homosexuality as anything other than predatory?
It is actually the Christian apostle Paul who broke this two tiered system of homosexuality for the future of Western Civilization. He equated all homosexual acts as a violation of the natural use of the body and made no distinction between the dominant or submissive partner in the abominable copulation:

Romans 1:24-27 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

March 13, 2011

Heterosexuality is a western concept

"Early female indoctrination in 'love' as an emotion may be largely a western concept: but a more universal ideology concerns the primacy and uncontrollability of the male sexual drive."

Culture, society and sexuality: a reader By Richard Guy Parker, Peter Aggleton

Love is defined by culture

"... one's culture has been found to have a more powerful impact on love beliefs than one's gender (Sprecher & Toro-Morn, 2002). Culture affects how a person defines love, how easily he or she falls in love, who he or she falls in love with, and how the relationship proceeds (Kim & Hatfield, 2004)."

from the book, 'Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity,' by Janell L. Carroll

September 12, 2010

'Sexuality' itself is a recent Western concept

sexuality is not a drive, but a "dense transfer point" for power relations
... Sexuality is the most instrumental domain for power

Outline by John Protevi

September 04, 2010

Manhood rites in ancient tribes

The male aboriginal, on attaining the age of puberty, reaches the most eventful period of his life. Hitherto his place has been amongst the women and children, but he now passes through a ceremony admitting him to a brotherhood whose secrets are inviolable and whose power is more dreaded than any Vehmgericht. Now filled with a sense of the dignity of manhood, he becomes entitled to greater privileges than previously enjoyed.

The goonduckyer and message-stick must never be seen by a women or an uninitiated person, and I have been assured that instant death would overtake a female or boy unfortunate enough to see one of these implements.

If the invitation is, as usual, accepted, the whole tribe gets ready for the march, the women and boys however, being kept in ignorance of the object of the journey.

The youths when their preparations have been completed proceed to the boolbung in company with the women and children. The latter, however, do not enter the ring but take their places outside, close to the youths belonging to their respective tribes; the youths standing inside the ring at the points nearest their respective burris. The women and children who have been previously made to lie down with their faces to the ground are then covered with rugs and bushes, and the proponents for initiation with their heads enveloped in rugs are taken some distance along the goolga out of sight of the women, and then made to lie down with the rugs still covering them.

A new name is also given to him now which must never be used within the hearing of women; the raised scars (bheerammer), are made on his body. Prior to being initiated he was permitted to use as food all kinds of fish, honey, and the female of all land animals, but certain birds and the male of all land animals were forbidden him. After his first keeparra he is entitled to partake of the flesh of the male kangaroo-rat, and after the second he is permitted to eat the male opossum, and each succeeding keeparra increases his privileges in this respect.

"the youths to be initiated were kept apart from the other members of the tribe for a month previous to the inauguration ceremonies, and that if any female was detected holding conversation with them or touching them she would be put to death."

-- by W. J. Enright, B.A. Syd.
Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Vol. XXXIII, p. 115-124 [Read before the Society July 5, 1899 - communicated by R. H. Mathews, L.S.]