November 21, 2008

"The observation that men want, and perhaps even need, private space is not new or startling."


November 20, 2008

The End of Gay: And the Death of Heterosexuality

About this title: Gay is a phase - but not in the sense that your parents might have thought. Gay is part of a cultural, social and political movement. When Gay is no more, that will mark the beginning of the end of heterosexuality too. Internationally acclaimed writer Bert Archer offers us a world where sexual identity no longer defines us. Examining a wealth of cultural, social and political history, as well as his own sexual past and present, Archer shows us where sexual identity is heading - all lables are back in the closet. Welcome to a new world without gender stereotypes.

Hating themselves -- the bane of being straight

Note from Reclaiming Natural Manhood site: Read the following quote after ignoring the words 'homosexuals', 'homophobes', 'gays', etc (the words have been emboldened to warn readers). We strongly condemn the use of the above words to denote the sexuality of masculine gendered males. The following has been written by a poor, brainwashed Westerner, who can't think about sexuality without using these ill-based concepts. Otherwise, what she's saying makes perfect sense:

I love to note that some of the worst homophobes (sic) you can find turn out to be closet homosexuals (sic). Their zeal in crucifying gays (sic) is fueled by their desire to purge the "abomination" within themselves. They are so busy trying to suppress every gay (sic) thought in their craniums that the subject never gets off the back-burner.

-- By Soya Ryu

(taken from: Asexual Rants on the Woes of Heterosexuality)