January 18, 2009

Reproduction no reason to promote heterosexuality

"Food tastes good. It is pleasurable to eat foods one likes. That doesn't necessarily entail being a glutton, just because food is pleasurable to eat.
Food is also far more necessary to sustaining life than sex is. Sex may facilitate procreation, but procreation by itself doesn't put food on the table, or fire in the hearth, or clothing on the body. 
By that same token, sex being pleasurable and the fact that male-female coupling leads to conception does not mean that one should do it endlessly. "
-- Giambattista's Avatar Giambatista, an internet discussion poster

"Again I must ask, why does "Be fruitful and multiply" survive as a commandment while most other directives from the Old Testament either get thrown into the trash, or only receive passing mention from most professing Christians?"
-- Giambattista's Avatar Giambatista again

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